Do not get your new lashes wet within the first 6-8 hours
Do not visit a spa, sauna or steam room within 24 hours. The extensions need this long to properly bond.
Do not rub, touch or fiddle with your new lashes
Try not to sleep directly on your lashes.
Do keep looking in the mirror to admire your new lashes
If your lash has turned, use your eyelash wand to correct it
Use oil free products around the eye area for cleansing and removing make up
Do not use eyelash curlers on your eyelash extensions, if you would like them more curly just speak to me on your next appointment
Clean your lashes regularly with a mixture of water and baby shampoo to prevent oil and dirt build up. Clean lashes are happy lashes :-)
Let lashes dry naturally and brush them regularly
Avoid mascara, if you wish to use some, ensure you use extension safe mascara.
Please remove any makeup from the eye area and come with clean lashes before your appointment
Brush lashes thoroughly
If you wish to change anything, please let me know.